Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Prepositions of time


Grammar Exercises On Prepositions Of Time

Write at / on / in

1. _______ 6th June 7. _______ 24th September 13. ________ Friday morning
2. _______ the evening 8. _______ Thursday 14. ________ Saturday night
3. _______ half past two 9. _______ 11:45 15. ________ night
4. _______ Wednesday 10. _______ Christmas Day 16. ________ end of the day
5. _______ 1987 11. _______ Christmas 17. ________ the weekend
6. _______ September 12. _______ the morning 18. ________ winter

Write at / on / in

1. Goodbye! See you ________Friday. 11. I often go away __________ the weekend.
2. Where were you _______ 28th February? 12. I´m starting my new job ________ 3rd July.
3. I got up ________ 8 o´clock this morning. 13. We often go to the beach _______ summer.
4. I like getting up early ________ the morning. 14. George isn´t here _______ the moment.
5. My sister got married ________ May. 15. Julia´s birthday is ________ January.
6. Diane and I first met ________ 1990. 16. Do you work ________ Saturdays?
7. Did you go out _______ Tuesday? 17. The company started _______ 1979.
8. Did you go out ______ Tuesday evening? 18. I like to look at the stars _______ night
9. Do you often go out ______ the evening? 19. I´ll send you the money _____ the end of the month.
10. Let´s meet _______ 7:30 tomorrow night.

Write at / on / in if necessary. Sometimes there is no preposition.

1. I´m leaving ______ Friday. 7. What are you doing _______ the weekend?
2. I´m leaving ______ next Friday. 8. I phone Robert ________ every Sunday.
3. I always feel tired ______ the evening. 9. Shall we play tennis _______ next Sunday?
4. Will you be at home ______ this evening? 10. I can´t go to the party ________ Sunday.
5. We went to France _______ last summer. 11. I´m going out. I´ll be back ______ an hour.
6. Laura was born _______ 1975. 12. I don´t often go out _______ night.

Another online exercise

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