Monday, March 07, 2011

Parts of the body

Parts of the body

Write the word which fits each description.

1. You use these when you listen to music and when you hear people speaking, for example.
2. This is inside your head and you use it to think with.
3. These are in your mouth and you use them to bite and chew food.
4. Giraffes have very long ones.
5. Thin pieces of skin that cover your eyes when you close them.
6. You use these to smile and kiss someone with.
7. You have ten of these on your feet.
8. On your hands, you have eight and two .
9. This is in your mouth and you taste food with it.
10. An organ inside you which pumps blood around your body.
11. These two joints connect your feet to your legs.
12. These two joints are in the middle of your legs.
13. These two joints are in the middle of your arms.
14. These two joints connect your hands to your arms. The part of your body where you would wear a watch.

To Bite = morder
To Chew = masticar
To pump = bombear
Joints = articulaciones


1. ears
2. brain
3. teeth
4. neck
5. eyelids
6. lips
7. toes
8. fingers / thumbs
9. tongue
10. heart
11. ankles
12. knees
13. elbows
14. wrist

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